Help Those Affected by COVID-19
Need a little extra motivation to donate to COVID-19 relief? Thousands in our community are struggling financially due to the evolving crisis surrounding COVID-19. Lost work hours and school closings are significantly increasing the number of people in need. Philabundance is building and distributing emergency food boxes across our nine-county Philadelphia service area. WE want to encourage YOU to donate to PHILABUNDANCE. And if you do…we will give you a chance to win FREE ICE CREAM!
The Rules are simple: -Donate at least $5 dollars to Philabundance. – -Send a screenshot of your donation receipt via Facebook Messenger or comment on this post. -After sending a screenshot you will be entered into a weekly lottery with a chance to win a prize package with three free pints of ice cream or some sweet Bassetts gear.
Weekly winners will be announced on Friday afternoons!!